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· 2 min read

Since releasing the first beta version of Fab4m I have run a few pilot projects with it. One thing I quickly realized is that you quite often need to change many aspects of your form depending on the current form state. That's what the Variants API is here for!

· 9 min read

Remix is a great node framework to render react components server side. It comes with some really great ways of handling loading and saving data and it has recently become completely compatible with the popular React Router library.

Fab4m comes with a support package to support react router which means it also works with remix. This let's you offload a lot of the work that is normally done on the client to the server side!

This blog post illustrates how fab4m can be used together with Remix. I won't go into great detail on how remix works, for that you can check their excellent documentation!

· 7 min read

This is the first part in a blog series about how you can use fab4m together with different backend frameworks.

At my workplace ( we use Laravel as our web framework and we are veryhappy with it. That's why it's only natural to start there!

In this blog post we are going to set up a laravel installation with Laravel breeze, a starter kit for laravel that provides you with a solid boilerplate to start building any app.

To get things integrated with react we are using Inertja.js, a way to easily tie your react frontend together with your backend.

· 2 min read

It's been a long time coming, but I finally released the first beta of fab4m, a better way to work with forms!

When working with development I always find dealing with forms to be the most time consuming and tedious part of any project. There are many solutions out there, but they tend to tailor to only part of the problem: validation, rendering, and so on.

I set out to finally solve the problem once and for all. It took way more time than I anticipated, but here it is!