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Submit button

  • Data type: unknown
  • JSON Schema data type: N/A

The Submit component allows you to place a submit button anywhere in the form.


import React from "react";
import { createForm, textField, StatefulFormView, submit } from "@fab4m/fab4m";
import "@fab4m/fab4m/css/basic/basic.css";

const form = createForm({
name: textField({
label: "Your name",
description: "Enter your full name",
required: true,
submit: submit(
label: "My submit button",
{ title: "button text" }
otherField: textField({
label: "This field comes after the buttton",
}).onSubmit((e) => e.preventDefault());

export default function SubmitExample() {
return <StatefulFormView form={form} hideSubmit={true} />;

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